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Golden Heistand

Certified Consultant


My Story

Hello! My name is Golden. (yes that's my real name! lol) I joined Scentsy when I realized how much I loved the products and that everyone around me loved their products too. I was going to just place an order, but realized I could spend the same money and start my own business. So I decided to jump and do it! After talking to another mom who sells Scentsy I did it, I signed up in April of 2014 and my office has smelled amazing ever since. :)

I have had Scentsy in my home for over seven years, I received my first warmer (Angora) as a housewarming gift with the scent of White Tea and Cactus when we bought our first house. Now whenever I smell that scent, I am brought back to those first few months getting settled in our very first home! Love it!

I have three sons, who are amazing and so full of love and life. My husband and I love watching them grow and learn every day.

If you have any questions or would like more information on Scentsy please don't hesitate to call or email me! I am always available!

Sincerely, Golden Heistand

What's warming in my home